"Anyone can be a millionaire, but to become a billionaire you need an astrologer."

J. P. Morgan

The ruler of dreamy, sensitive Pisces, Neptune has the second strongest gravity in the solar system after Jupiter. No wonder Piscean people have such a magnetic pull! With its perpetual storms and active climate, Neptune is known for whipping up drama and confusion.


Those with the Moon-Neptune aspects possess an emotional sensitivity and vulnerability to others, and an especially powerful impressionable, sympathetic, and psychic empathy. Moon-Neptune has a powerful imagination and considerable artistic, creative gifts that need to be expressed. There is a refined sense of touch, colour.

At the core, they’re profound, powerful and extremely complex to get to know. They may show extremism in their behavior revealing itself through their passions. Being so deeply attached to people it is hard for them to let go easily when they invest everything.


If you take a natal chart and divide it by two, you’ll get a 180° angle. In astrology, this angle is a planetary aspect called an opposition. This means each of the two planets will be totally opposite from one another on the chart. The distance between them creates a lot of tension between the planets involved.


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